What's Happening Under the Table?
Besides the fact that Cape Town is the birthplace of our nation, perhaps another reason why its often referred to as the Mother City is because of her warm, loving embrace, wrapping her mountains and coastline around you and hugging you tightly to her heart. Once in her grip, it’s hard to get away.
The ‘city bowl’ of Cape Town is certainly one of the most beautiful and dramatic metropolises in the world. The magnificent Table Mountain takes centre stage, orientating and nourishing the inhabitants of Cape Town with her natural and spiritual majesty. Sparkling beaches and rugged coastline flank the Table Mountain National Park closely, with the suburbs and streets sandwiched in-between.
Besides its radiant natural splendor, Cape Town is a thriving cultural and creative hub with amazing restaurants, museums, art galleries, shops and craft markets. This creativity stems from the city’s multiethnic and cosmopolitan population, fusing African and European sensibilities to create a unique flavour of its own.
Cape Town also has a flipside to the lavish splendor of its more affluent suburbs. The townships and less privileged neighbourhoods that host the majority of the city’s population paint a completely different picture, but although the inhabitants endure much hardship, it’s not all doom and gloom. There is a thriving sense of community and positivity attributed to the African principal of Ubuntu. Archbishop Desmond Tutu offered the following definition: “A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole.” Guided tours to the townships offer an opportunity to get a first-hand impression of the realities of township life and the irrepressible spirit of its residents.